Find What You Need

Senior Resources is a strong voice for eastern Connecticut’s aging population. Through our involvement at the federal, state and local level we work to enhance the quality of life for older persons. In addition to advocating legislatively, our continuing work with volunteer and citizen groups increases public awareness of senior issues.

Click HERE to read full newsletter.

Senior Resources is proud to be one of the five Area Agencies on Aging of AgingCT. 

We work collaboratively across the state to provide Aging Answers, connecting older adults and their caregivers to long-term and/or

supportive services to maximize their independence and ability to age with dignity in their community of choice.

Please click HERE for more information.

Looking for Speakers Services? We are available!

Looking for exciting events to attend? Look no further than Senior Resources! Our community-based agencies offer a variety of events that cater to the interests of older adults. Here are some of the upcoming events you won’t want to miss:

Upcoming Events

Our Programs

Senior Resources provides services to assist older individuals, individuals with disabilities, their families and their caregivers. In addition, we provide funding to community-based agencies for services such as adult day care, homemakers, home health aides and transportation.

All Programs
elderly man at the beach with cane

Benefits Checkup

CHOICES – Medicare Counseling

Two people smiling walking in a garden

Congregate Housing Services Program (CHSP)

Grandparent Support

elderly yoga

Healthy Living Programs

wheelchair man on a lawn

Money Follows Person (MFP)

National Family Caregiver Support Program

Nutrition Meal Sites, Education & Counseling

elderly couple ordering on the computer

Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)

Statewide Alzheimer’s Respite Program

Veterans Directed Care Program (VDC)