The Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) is a national
program for people with Medicare of all ages. SMP is administered by the
Administration for Community Living (ACL) and US Department of Health and Human
Services supported by Grant #90MPRC0002 FROM ACL.
Protect yourself against Medicare Fraud.
Protecting your personal information is your best defense against health care fraud and abuse.
Detect potential fraud, errors, and abuse.
Knowing how to spot suspicious activity can help you stop health care fraud and abuse in its tracks.
If you suspect you have been a target of fraud, report it. This will help you and others at risk for health care scams. Connecticut’s SMP program provides one-on-one counseling, assists with reporting suspected fraud, and offers presentations on fraud and prevention. To learn more visit www.smpresource.org.

Senior Medicare Patrol Volunteers
Help fight Medicare fraud! Volunteers play a crucial role in empowering and assisting Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. Volunteers receive training and support to do this valuable work and no prior experience is not required. To learn more, use the link below to fill out our volunteer interest form and a volunteer coordinator will contact you.