The Veteran’s Directed Care (VDC) program is a collaboration between the Veteran’s Administration, Administration on Aging, State Unit on Aging, and Senior Resources. The program empowers qualifying Veterans to hire and supervise their own workers and vendors to help with their daily needs. Veterans in this program are given a flexible budget for services that can be managed by the Veteran or the family caregiver. The Senior Resources Support Broker will conduct an assessment to determine level of need, work with the veteran to develop a care plan and provide monthly monitoring. The veteran is responsible to find and hire their own staff, develop a schedule, monitor hours and interact with the fiduciary that processes payroll.
As part of this program, Veterans and their caregiver have more access, choice and control over their home care services or long-term care services. For example, Veterans can:
- Decide what mix of services will best meet their needs
- Hire their own personal care aides (which might include their own family member or neighbor)
- Buy items and services that will help them live independently in the community
- Participate in an Adult Day Program
If Veteran-Directed Care seems right for you, talk with your VA social worker or contact Senior Resources for more information.