The federal Older Americans Act is one of the primary funding sources of activities provided by Senior Resources. Area agencies on aging, like Senior Resources, conduct listening sessions, distribute surveys and review state, local and national efforts to identify the needs of older adults and gaps in services to meet those needs. From that research, a four year Area Plan is developed which outlines the activities which will be conducted over the four year period to provide a comprehensive and coordinated system of services. The following are the priorities for the period of October 2017 – September 2021.
Goal: Empower older individuals to reside in the community setting of their choice
Objective 1: Older Americans Act funds support projects that foster independence and aging-in-place.
Objective 2: Provide timely, accurate and concise information that clearly describes options for community-based care.
Objective 3: Partner with regional Area Agencies on Aging to deliver and improve the customer/caregiver experience when seeking supports.
Objective 4: Utilize state and federal funding to support older adults while waiting for eligibility in Medicaid home and community-based services.
Objective 5: Provide multi-lingual services and topics such as CHOICES, I&A, NFCSP, CDSMP, CSRCP, CHSP, Elder Rights and Nutrition Education and Counseling to support access for non-English-speaking adults.
Objective 6: Provide strategic outreach for services and topics such as CHOICES, I&A, NFCSP, CDSMP, CSRCP, CHSP, Elder Rights and Nutrition Education and Counseling to, 1) rural; 2) low-income; 3) minority; 4) at-risk of institutionalization; 5) persons with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia; 6) persons with severe disabilities.
Goal: Provide older adults with prevention and wellness opportunities
Objective 1: Broaden access to and awareness of Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs and other evidence-based programs to promote holistic health and wellness.
Objective 2: Use multi-faceted approaches addressing food insecurity and malnutrition.
Objective 3: Support populations at greatest risk of adverse health outcomes due to social determinants of health.
Objective 4: Implement Enhanced Business Acumen which leads to beneficial relationships with health care entities.
Objective 5: AAA-CT enhance statewide responses in the event of future Major Disaster Declarations.
Goal: Protect elder rights and well-being and prevent elder abuse, fraud, neglect, and exploitation
Objective 1: Enhance protection of vulnerable older adults through Older Americans Act Programs such as legal services.
Objective 2: Provide strategic outreach on elder abuse, fraud, neglect, and exploitation.