Senior Resources is looking for volunteers to join their board of directors to assist in the operations, oversight and strategic planning of the organization. The Board sets goals and objectives, long-range plans, and policies of Senior Resources.

The Board of Directors meets on a monthly basis on the last Thursday of every month. These meetings require a monthly commitment to attend meetings. In addition, each Board member is asked to be a part of one of the Board’s standing committees. Committees meet on a regular basis. The average time commitment to be a Board member is approximately five to ten hours per month.

Senior Resources is a private, non-profit organization mandated to administer the Older Americans Act. We follow State and Federal regulations from the Department on Aging and the Administration on Aging.

 Board of Directors Meetings 


9:00 A.M. 

(Meets the last Thursday of Every Month) 

October 28, 2021 

November 18, 2021 

January 27, 2022 

February 24, 2022 

March 31, 2022 

April 28, 2022 

May 26, 2022 

June 30, 2022 

July 28, 2022 

August 25, 2022 

September 29, 2022 

GRANT HEARING DATES (Title III application review): 

June 2, 2022 

June 9, 2022 

June 16, 2022 

Additional meetings will be scheduled as required.